
Main Interests

  • (Automated) Sentiment Analysis
  • Online marketing and Social Media
  • Marketing Communications
  • Customers Satisfaction
  • Cross-cultural Differences
  • Human-Computer Interaction

Research Projects

  • Herausforderungen der KI-Nutzung / Challenges of AI adoption

    2023 Bavarian-Czech Higher Education Agency (BTHA) BTHA-AP-2023-32

    The project aims to explore the multifaceted challenges associated with the implementation and management of Artificial Intelligence (AI) systems in various industries and sectors. With the increasing adoption of AI technologies across different domains, it is crucial to understand and overcome the hurdles that organizations face in effectively managing AI to ensure ethical, transparent, and responsible AI deployment.

    The primary objective of this research project is to identify and analyze the challenges encountered by organizations in managing AI usage. By gaining insights into these challenges, the project seeks to develop strategies, guidelines, and recommendations to mitigate risks and facilitate the efficient and responsible implementation of AI systems.

  • AI Social Design Thinking Lab

    2021-2022 Interreg Österreich - Tschechien ATCZ271 AI SDT-LAB

    The use of artificial intelligence (AI) in small and medium-sized companies and in public administration is the goal of European, national and regional digitization and innovation strategies. However, from the available data and experience, it appears that in the partner regions of the ATCZ271 AI SDT-LAB project (South Bohemia, Upper Austria and Vienna), the potential of AI is used much less than in other European and non-European countries, mainly in the field of R&D, only slightly related to the processes of large companies. The aim of this project is to create a cross-border network of collaborating entities to (1) jointly identify opportunities for the practical use of AI.

  • Teaching Generation Snowflakes: New Challenges and Opportunities

    2021-2022 Educational programs Fund from Iceland, Liechtenstein, and Norway EHP-CZ-ICP-3-007

    Generation of Snowflakes is a term that is often used of people in the
    generation born in 1995 – 2010. This term was first featured as slang
    in the 1996 novel Fight Club authored by Chuck Palahniuk. As the
    book explains, “You are not special, you are not a beautiful and unique
    snowflake.” Collins dictionary gives a simple definition of Generation Snowflake as “The generation of people who became adults in the
    2010s, viewed as being less resilient and more prone to taking offense
    than previous generations.”
    The word ‘snowflake’ references to their originality, since all snowflakes are unique. This generation came to be due to childhood overprotection (so called helicopter parenting). Older generations brand them
    as fickle, sensitive, and of having an exaggerated sense of what’s politically correct. This generation is made up of digital natives, which
    means that they know a lot about technology and learn new things quickly. Thanks to their lack of patience, Snowflakes often find creative
    ways to solve problems. Consequently, they can adapt faster to changes. This is useful since the labor markets demand workers who can
    initiate changes and handle rapid changes. Generation of Snowflakes
    also has unique problems that other often neglects.
    Some authors use different names for the snowflake generation as they
    see this term a bit pejorative. We can see Generation Z, Gen Z, Gen-Zer,
    iGens, digital natives, net Generation, Zers, the @generation, pluralist
    generation, Post-Millennials, Tweens, eBay babies, The App Generation, Gen Tech, Gen Next, Rainbow Generation, Post-Millennials, the
    Selfie Generation, the Mobile Generation, the 21th Century Learners,
    Generation Me, Generation We, the Homeland Generation, the Selfie
    Generation, Generation Instant Gratification, Generation Reality TV,
    The Centennials or Generation of Artists.
    This generation is now university students. But professors, who teach them, tend to use the same teaching approaches and teaching methodology as they used to do with older generations. Should they change the methods? What could be done to provide this new generation the
    best opportunities for progress in university studies?

  • Advancement of the economic and social innovation through the creation of the environment enabling business succession

    2017-2020 Interreg CENTRAL EUROPE CE1158 ENTER-transfer

    Business succession is becoming one of the most prominent issues for companies and policy makers in CE since it entails both economic and social impacts. Every year many well-functioning family-run companies disappear due to inability to find successor able to take over business leadership. Despite of existing  succession schemes in AT or IT, other CE countries like CZ, SK, PL and HR have very limited or no experience with business ownership transfer and low awareness about it. This issue is particularly acute in the latter countries and requires transnational approach due to high risk of „business exit“ of family companies established in early 90s after collapse of communism. ENTER-transfer (Enterprise transfer) aims to advance economic and social innovation and counterbalance negative effects of demographic change in CE by creating environment enabling business succession at national and transnational level and draw attention of public and private entities to this issue. It will result in improved awareness and succession supporting capacities of public bodies via trainings and regional strategies, strengthened skills and competences of young entrepreneurs, owners of family businesses and their descendants by targeted trainings. Innovative tools and services will streamline business succession process and help sustain family companies. The project will develop matchmaking portal of companies seeking succession with young
    companies with ambition to take over business leadership, strategies for public authorities contributing to creation of favourable conditions for business succession and business succession toolbox with practical guidelines for succession seeking companies and succession seekers. The innovative character of the project is twofold: it pursues introduction and promotion of a complex approach to business succession in the “new” EU member states where it is still novel and introduces/enables business succession at transnational level.

  • Methods Supporting Managerial Desision-Making Based on the Analysis of Text Information Sources

    2012-2014 Project No. GAP403/12/2175 by Czech Science Foundation (CSF)

    At this time all managers and businessmen are exposed to the everpresent information pollution. This is why tools of business intelligence are of great importance, nevertheless the current methods can hardly cope with large and unstructured data (text) sources like, for example, world wide web (WWW) that currently becomes more and more important. To achieve this main goal we have to find and verify satisfactorily reliable methods for automatic extraction of a main context of a document, i.e., multidimensional (possibly structured) linguistic characterization representing the contents of the document. To cope with the multilingual sources we have to develop approaches that would not be dependent of the language of the source and that would not need additional language dependent tools (like e.g. dictionaries of synonyms). In our conception, the context will be dynamic, which means that a classification of a document will not be dependent only on the document in question but also on the corpus; an expansion of a corpus can result in a change of a document classification.

  • (Medical) Knowledge Acquisition and Modelling

    2006-2011 Project No. MŠMT – NPV II 2C06019 by Czech Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports

    The goal of the project is design and implementation of new methods for knowledge acquisition from multimodal medical databases (by this we understand data of different nature) and their interpretation for control and diagnoses making in health care. Particularly in medicine, we come across numerical data, texts, static images and signals. The methods will be based on non-trivial multidimensional statistical models. Therefore, within the framework of the project we have to investigate both the methods of constructing new models and their theoretical properties. For this, we shall also investigate their theoretical foundations combining probability theory, mathematical statistics and artificial intelligence. In order to be able to utilize the models inpractice we shall design algorithms adapted to real world problems from medical practice. Finally, experimental software systems for verification of proposed methods will be designed and realized.

    More at

  • Managerial Audit as a Tool for Sustainable Development of Small and Medium Enterprises: Project Introduction

    2006-2008 Project No. MŠMT – NPV II 2E06044 by Czech Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports

    The intention of the paper is to introduce the research project No. 2E06044 of the National Research Programme II of the Czech Ministry of Education: “Managerial Audit as a Tool for Sustainable Development of Small and Medium Enterprises”. Work on the project has started in July 2006 and will continue troughout 2007 and 2008. The project targets cooperation among research and educational institutions and the business sphere. The metholodology of assessing (managerial audit) and empowering (coaching) small- and medium-sized enterprises has been developed in order to provide recent approaches to assist further growth of those businesses. The project also provides numerous opportunities for young scholars to participate in the research agenda.


    2006-2007 In cooperation with Fundació per a la Universitat Oberta de Catalunya - CAT

    The E-Clue (Entrepreneurship Cluster Environment) subproject aims to develop the concept of entrepreneurship clusters by means of the use of digital environments.

    Prospect (PDF)

  • An Assessment of a University Teacher (Associate) Job Performance as a Basic of the Wage Means Allocation

    2003-2004 Project No. GA402/03/1341 by Czech Science Foundation (CSF)

    There is no detailed description of evaluation and quantification of university teacher’s work in current literature. Duties of university teacher consist from three different ways of teaching (lectures, seminars and colloquiums); expert articles publishing, grant proposals working out and participation in scientific developmental projects and preparation of textbooks. Because of facts mentioned above is the evaluation of individual tasks for quantification of each worker’s output very difficult.A possible way of solution can be a thorough analysis and comparison of two systems used at different schools and consequential evaluation of individual completely different tasks by means of questionnaire research. The objective is to create a new general point system for evaluation of working outputs. New mechanism of allocation (supposing the same resources) will provide certain consensus among all participants.

  • Internal Projects

    Since 2000 almost 20 research projects by Internal Grant Agency (University of Economics, Prague; SKODA AUTO University)